Kristin's Story

Kristin is one of the top producers at Leclerc Foods, where she can sort and pack products onto 10 skids by herself. But it took time and patience to be the best at what she does. Kristin first started training at Hope’s Industrial Work Center, where she refined her skills and improved her motor abilities by doing a variety of piece rate jobs and simulated tasks. Hope quickly recognized her drive and ability to work quickly. She excelled at every task she was given.
Kristin is employed by Hope's Affirmative Industries program and assigned to Leclerc Foods. She loves working at Leclerc because it’s something she’s good at, and it enables her to earn a bigger paycheck. It’s a fast-paced job that requires her to constantly be on her feet, but she says it’s well worth it. She continues to work hard toward her ultimate goal of community employment.
Being with Hope has also helped Kristin become more confident and improve her communication skills. At home, Kristin helps her Lifesharing family do household tasks, learning everyday skills that might one day enable her to live independently. Above all else, she’s learned that she can do anything if she sets her mind to it.
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